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Deloris Obee

Deloris Obee first began her ministry in 1976. She served under the late Bishop Emmet Scott in Berkeley, California at New Jerusalem Deliverance Center. She worked in the capacity of a Pastor’s Aide, Sunday School Teacher, Women’s Department, and whatever her hands found to do.

In 1981 she was ordained an Evangelist. She went on to serve on the Patmos Deliverance Evangelistic Team. Teaching bible studies, revivals, radio broadcast, and convalescent and recovery ministry. Bishop began a women’s outreach in 1993. She had a burden to help build women in the areas of both spiritual and natural.

 She later became Pastor of NDDM in 2001. Where she ministers the word of God with power and the anointing to destroy yokes of bondage off of people’s lives. She’s a practical teacher who loves interior decorating and coordinating weddings. But she also does bookkeeping, taxes, financial seminars and more. This mother of three amazing kids has five grandchildren who she adores. She’s an inspiration to all she meets. Her love for God and the truth of the word that she stands on exemplifies the integrity she displays on this Christian journey of faith, courage and love.

Her Vision

To reach the lost and advance kingdom principles in an effort to bring healing in every aspect of their lives, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually in order for people to grow to their full potential in Christ.

She wants everyone to know that God can do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.

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